
Tips For Employers


From Employer (Interviewer) point of view:- Reading and going through the Curriculum Vitae, as it contains mainly the academic, personal and working experience of an individual.
Considering the hierarchy, job profile, age etc one has to shortlist profiles accordingly to match the specific requirements.

During Interview, stress has to be laid on family background, references, mental aptitude, which includes abstract phenomena like reaction in a stressful situation, his mental approach in solving problems, confidence level, body language and dress code.

Viewing his personality and how he carries himself for the mental aptitude, one can devise questionnaire containing problem solving questions, aptitude test, grammatical tests and case studies.

He should always make the candidate relax and calm because if the candidate gets tensed, he may not behave rationally.

– Extract from the article HRD Prospective by

Sycamore (I) Consultancy Services doesn’t issue any employment-related offers directly. It is only routed through their esteemed client selection. Sycamore (I) Consultancy Services doesn’t charge any fees from candidates for an interview or job offers but if there is an operational cost it is made known beforehand to the candidates.
Just incase if anybody which includes Agency / Consultant ask money on behalf, consider it to be a fake call. Do not get influenced.

Mr. Biswajit Gupta

Tips For Employees


Points to be considered for the candidates (Interviewee) for attending interview :-

Be on time, if you are early it is better for you as you can assess the environment.

If you are late make it a point to call up the interviewer and explain him about the delay.

After you have entered the room give your full hand for handshake and let there be a direct eye-to-eye contact.

Mental frame is more important as it reflects in the form of body language, so the candidate should be in a relaxed and positive frame of mind.

The attire should be such that one is comfortable and not conscious.

Be eloquent and do not forget the basic etiquette. Carry the relevant testimonials to substantiate their claims. Listen carefully and pay equal attention to the panel members, before answering any questions.

Be candid and truthful on the replies. Attempt and answer the questions, which one is sure of during a written test.

A thorough knowledge about the company background is always desired as the question may be forced that, what do you know about our company?

Prepare yourself thoroughly on the job for which you have applied.

Remember, “FIRST IMPRESSION IS THE LAST IMPRESSION”. Once the interview is over do ask the interviewer about the performance so that it will enhance your abilities further.

– Extract from the article HRD Prospective by

Mr. Biswajit Gupta